Nutrition for Health & Wellness

Nutrition for Health & Wellness

Nutrition for Health & Wellness

Nutrition is a vital part of our life, in today’s society we are unaware just how depleted our bodies are of vital nutrients. As a result this can be seriously damaging our health. As part of your consultation I will address 4 topics to see if these are impacting your health and ultimately your recovery from injury or illness.

Toxicity: Many of us contain a large number of chemicals within our bodies these build up over time and interact with one another in harmful ways. These toxins are in the air we breathe, water we drink, food we consume, and the personal care products we apply daily.

Nutritional Deficiency: When your body is deprived of optimal nutrition, it fails to function at its highest level.  Due to over farming, the soil we grow our produce in is severely depleted of nutrients. To put this in perspective crops grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the produce we get today!!

Weight Wellness: The word “diet” has come to mean so much more than its original meaning from the Greek word, diaita – ‘a way of life’. Weight Wellness is a relatively new philosophy implying that you can work to be healthier at any weight. Most of us have had a bad experience with “diets” but interestingly the definition of diet is ‘the food that you habitually eat’. So in fact we are all on a diet. The question should be – what kind of diet are you on and is it working for you?

Stress: Whether it is from the daily stresses of life or the internal stress placed on the body from poor health or being overweight, stress is not to be taken lightly. Stress is a major contributing factor to many health related illnesses and diseases, so unless addressed your general health will be affected.

Part of your Treatment/Rehabilitation programme will be to address your nutrition. If I feel it is appropriateI I will make recommendations to include a comprehensive nutritional cleansing programme to be used in combination with a healthy diet, which will help to rid the body of built up toxins; resulting in less fat, more energy and a healthier lifestyle

For Further Information on these solutions click here  or contact me


“My weight has always been an issue and I can’t remember a time when I was actually happy with the way I looked. My weight has gone up and down over the years like a yo-yo and I’ve tried a lot of different diets and clubs. When Helen first introduced me to nutritional cleansing I wasn’t sure whether it would be for me. Once Helen explained everything to me and I realised that this wasn’t ‘another diet’, it all started to make sense. By introducing dense nutritional supplements into a healthy way of life I have lost two stone and have never felt better. As well as the weight and inch loss, there have been so many other benefits as well. After suffering with broken sleep for many years, I now sleep through the night, my headaches and migraines have greatly reduced, my heartburn is a thing of the past and as an eczema sufferer my skin is much better and I finally have some nails to file. Definitely the best part of my journey so far is when I went shopping to buy myself a pair of size 12 jeans to hang on the wardrobe as a reminder of what I was aiming for. When I tried them on they fitted straightaway! If I hadn’t been in a shop’s changing room, I would have jumped around with joy and made a lot of noise. That was the first time in over 20 years that I had fitted into a size 12. I now have a new wardrobe with lots of size 12 clothes.“

V.W Cambridge

“I was overweight and incredibly unhappy with my fitness! I spoke with Helen at length about my goals and together we devised a programme incorporating fitness and nutrition. Within 4 months I had lost 2.5 stone and was feeling so much better in myself and fitter than I had ever felt!! I am pleased to say I have gone on to lose a further half stone and increased my training. Due to this lifestyle change and the incredible dense nutrition I am now able to maintain my weight and have committed to my first Ironman!!! Thank you Helen for your continued support and dedication to my health”

N.H Bishop's Stortford

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